Our Blog
Worsted vs Woollen Spun
We are a worsted spinning mill, but what does that actually mean? In commercial wool yarn manufacturing there are two spinning methods – worsted and woollen. (Worsted spinning shouldn’t be confused with worsted weight yarn – but that’s a topic of conversation for another time!)
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Yarn Speak: What's a micron?
A micron is the measurement unit used to express the diameter or thickness of the individual wool fibre. One micron is one millionths of a metre. The lower the micron count the finer the wool, and therefore the higher the commercial value. Generally speaking, British wool ranges between 29 to 35 microns.
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On the mezzanine of our factory you will usually find several large cubic bales of fibre. This is how most of the wool that we spin into yarn is delivered to us. The bales contain wool ‘tops’ - the clean, unprocessed wool ready for gilling, twisting, and spinning.